Masterclasses on SmartQA

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Testing is not mere validation of code, it is deep probing to seek clarity and in the process uncover, preempt issues rapidly. Probing is being logical, curious & observant, to understand what is in there, what may be expected/intended and in the process of exploration spot anomalies, issues, observations, come up with suggestions,  a significantly elevated approach.The HyBIST approach enables designing smart probes and probing the system smartly.

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As developers, more technical debt means more re-work. How can I think better, do less and be debt free? This course provides a refreshing look at development test (aka unit and integration test) outlining simple practical approaches to uncovering issues at the early stage of development. It is not about more automated unit tests, it is not more testing at all, rather the converse. How can we be “Lean yet be Clean”? is what this course Smart Development Test is about.

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As product managers/owners, we want to deliver a great experience for our end users. What does it take to get there? Great translation of what is needed & expected into clean code. Sharp clarity of what is needed and precise communication of what is accepted can go a long way to building well, preventing issues and also come with effective evaluation scenarios.

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RTD Course Image

for DEV & QA

Coverage is the key property that needs to be satisfied by test design. How do we know if the“net” that we have designed to catch the fishes(“defects”) is broad, deep, strong and fine?

This course presents a unique approach to test case design based on Hypothesis Based Immersive SessionTesting (HyBIST) methodology, driven by cleanliness criteria, quality levels, and behavior based approach to ensure that test cases can indeed guarantee robustness of final software.

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SmartTester DMP


A very different program this is focussed on build skills, not just knowledge, where the focus is on doing, so that you are confident, well rounded, be ready to validate modern applications. Be strong in test engineering, comfortable with tech and skilled in tooling.

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